The Studio Awaits

Tomorrow morning we start work on our new album “The Ghost of John Henry” at JaronSound Studios.  We’ve got ten songs to tackle in order to tell the story of the album, and we might try to bang out a couple of one-offs or would-be B-sides if there’s the opportunity. My plan is to try […]

The New Album is Written

I finished writing the new album tonight, which will in all likelihood be called “The Ghost of John Henry.” If you are not familiar with the legend of John Henry, it goes like this, more or less:In the 1870s, as technology was rapidly advancing and railroads were linking the United States in a way that […]

Playing Live

The past six weeks have been full of live performances. I was tallying it up today, and I think I’ve played somewhere every week for the last six, from a pair of shows with the expanding band lineup, to a few solo acoustic sets, and the odd open mic here and there. It occurred to […]