A Burning Ember to a Grove of Trees
Here we are, less than ten months after releasing our album Dust Among the Stars, with a surprise EP. It combines new recordings and previously released singles in one collection, most of which share a message of (cautious) optimism despite our current social calamities, and it was important to me to get this out before […]
“This Machine Kills Fascists”
As I’m slowly writing songs for a new album, other outlets seem to be popping up, like the Walk a Mile campaign back in July we were asked to participate in. And last week I recorded a new song, called “Just to Win the Fight,” that I felt would be better off heading out into […]
The New Album is Written
I finished writing the new album tonight, which will in all likelihood be called “The Ghost of John Henry.” If you are not familiar with the legend of John Henry, it goes like this, more or less:In the 1870s, as technology was rapidly advancing and railroads were linking the United States in a way that […]
New Members, New Songs
New things are afoot in the realm of Sci-Fi Romance. Kurt Bloom has come on board as our drummer, and we played our first show together last week in Hollywood at the Pig N’ Whistle. We are also rehearsing with a cellist to fill out the live sound. Upcoming shows will roll out these, and […]