New things are afoot in the realm of Sci-Fi Romance. Kurt Bloom has come on board as our drummer, and we played our first show together last week in Hollywood at the Pig N’ Whistle. We are also rehearsing with a cellist to fill out the live sound. Upcoming shows will roll out these, and no doubt more, changes and surprises.
Like new songs. I’ve mentioned a couple of places that I’m writing a record based on the legend/story of John Henry — yeah, the steel-drivin’ man. The Ballad of John Henry is a folk staple, done by everybody from Woody Guthrie to Pete Seeger to Johnny Cash to elementary school choirs throughout the South, and I think maybe because of that omnipresence the essence of the story has sort of lost its meaning to a lot of people. It’s an amazing story of loss, professional frustration, heroism, and man’s place in an increasingly technology-centric world, which I think all speaks to us today. Enough of me yapping, though, here are a couple of rough demos from the project.